Setup simple LLC with the state. It entails registering the new business with:
Utah State Tax Commission
Utah Department of Commerce
Utah Department of Workforce Services
DBA Filing (if applicable)
Obtaining FEIN, registering with payroll account w/IRS
Obtaining required licenses for state and city
Obtaining any bonds or insurance required
One month follow up free
consultation free
Initial consultation is always free!
business licensing $75-$300
If your LLC is already set up but you need help obtaining your business license, we can help you with that.
Business renewals $50-$300
Yearly renewal of business with the state and licensing renewals.
RESEARCH $50-$100
We can research a business you are interested in opening, what it requires, and costs associated. We can also research other business related things for you.
forms and applications $25-$100
We can help you figure out and fill out forms and applications for you.
utility accounts $40-$100
If you or your business is moving to a new place we can help set up your business or personal utility accounts. We can set them up on auto-pay for you as well.
Social media business page(s) $20-$150
We can set up your business social media pages.
Simple website and domain $100 - $500+
We can set you up with a domain name for your website and provide you with a simple website that will be self-managed by you, we will only do the initial set up not manage the website for you, we will give you the tools to manage it yourself.
business email - $50-$100
We can help you set up your business email with G suite, GoDaddy, or provider of choice.
logo design $50-$100
We can design a logo to your specifications in a timely manner. We send you different file formats including vector so that you may have what you need when you need it.
business cards $20-$150
Business card design. Printing through Vista print or your preferred choice.
office organization $250-$1,500
Do you need to have your office organized and set up a system? Do you need to update the way you run your business? We can do that for you so that it becomes easier for you to manage your business.
PAYROLL for small company - varying prices
We can help you run payroll for your small company.
translation services $25-$200+
Translation services available in Spanish and French.
notary service $10
Soon available.
Do you need assistance with something not listed here? We will do our best to see if was can assist you. Prices vary.